Where we are
Check out our key assets, innovation hubs and GRID's cultural landmarks.

What we offer
To investors, businesses and entrepreneurs, and the people who live here.
Anchor institution UofG ranked among top 100 universities globally
15% of all jobs in Glasgow City are within GRID
Dense urban setting, linked into key transport networks
Check out our key assets, innovation hubs and GRID's cultural landmarks.
To investors, businesses and entrepreneurs, and the people who live here.
Help launched for social enterprises and third sector organisations to take stake in Glasgow’s innovation economy.
University of Glasgow spin-out has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Hebrides-based green hydrogen producer and distributor, PlusZero.
Drivers of Growth seeks to 're-centre' the local and regional economic role of universities at a pivotal moment for UK higher education.
The spin-out receives a share of the £3 million Collaborative Discovery Programme (CDP) launched by the Cystic Fibrosis Antimicrobial Resistance (CF AMR) Syndicate with funding from the medical research charity, LifeArc.