‘We are just at the beginning of GRID’s journey’
GRID is shaping up to be “transformative for people and place” with a number of exciting programmes already under way, according to the district’s programme manager Dr Susie Mitchell.
In a feature with partner organisation Invest Glasgow, Dr Mitchell outlines her role and sets out some of the aims and ambitions of GRID.
With work under way on a number of infrastructure projects including the Health Innovation Hub in Govan and the launch of a Civic Grant Fund supporting community organisations, GRID is already starting to find its feet.
But according to Dr Mitchell, the journey is just beginning for the district and its partners, with much more to be delivered.
“In some ways, we are just at the beginning of GRID’s journey, albeit we have a range of exciting programmes already under way," Dr Mitchell told Invest Glasgow's Spotlight On series.
“But it feels like we’re all at the start of something really special, something that could be transformative for people and place.
- Govan is at the heart of the innovation district
“And we have all the necessary ingredients; a global top 100 university anchoring GRID that has produced world-changing inventors and discoveries over 570 years, a pipeline of enterprising and investible spin-outs, a dynamic small business community as well as a major property and land regeneration opportunity in the area.“
The University of Glasgow, the anchor institution within GRID, is working hard to generate new business ventures borne out of its world-leading research, building up teams who are able to support young spin-outs and working with accelerator organisations to equip a new generation of entrepreneurs.
She also talked about the GRID Discovery programme - Scotland's first whole-system innovation demonstrator - and how that fits in with the overall aim to make the district a thriving and culturally-stimulating place.
She told Invest Glasgow: “GRID will constitute an established testbed for new research and ideas but it will also be a vibrant and progressive place to live, work and play for a new generation of Glasgow innovators and entrepreneurs intent on bringing benefit to people, place and the wider world–in line with our deep civic purpose and mission.
It feels like we’re all at the start of something really special, something that could be transformative for people and place.
Dr Susie Mitchell
“It's our job as an Innovation District to masterplan a place, with partners and our communities, that creates an enabling environment for skills development, knowledge spillovers, creativity and problem-solving to happen and create our own ‘big bang’ to grow and scale next generation technological as well as social advancements.”
Dr Mitchell outlined about her own career path and the wide scope of work in her current position.
She said: “My brain is stimulated by variety and this job brings that, and in swathes.
“One minute I’ll be talking to our inspiring GRID Civic Fund recipients about the amazing work they are doing within the GRID geography (from Daytime Discos for the over 50s to food poverty projects and digital skills programmes for BAME groups), the next we might be reviewing our land and infrastructure propositions or supporting a bid looking at a new arts-based interdisciplinary skills intervention for underserved young people.
“And I work with a great core team of dedicated people with a range of skills to drive this exciting project forward.”
The full interview with Dr Mitchell as part of Invest Glasgow’s Spotlight On series can be viewed here.